Move Out Process

According to your lease, you are required to give RENT a written sixty (60) day Notice to Vacate. You can fax or email this form to our office. We advise you to verify that we have received a copy of the notice or other charges could accrue. The purpose of the “notice to move” is to advise us of your intentions. If you know your intentions more than 60 days out is preferred. Your rent will be prorated to the day you actually turn in your keys (unless prior to lease end). Call us with any questions. You will not be charged for any normal wear and tear to the residence and your move-in checklist will be our guide to determining such normal wear and tear. Call us with any questions. Once your residence has been emptied and cleaned, you must deliver the keys to our office and sign a Key Return Form. We stop charging you rent on the day you return your keys (unless prior to lease end). We will be happy to make you a copy of this form for your records.

According to your lease and North Carolina law, RENT has thirty (30) days to provide you with an accounting of your security deposit. Don’t forget to provide your forwarding address. We will complete a Move-Out Inspection (which may or may not occur on the day you move, depending upon our schedule) and compare it to your Move-In Inspection and determine if there are any damages above normal wear and tear. We will deduct from your security deposit the costs of repairs of any damages above normal wear and tear; any back rents, late fees, or any other fees owed and send you the difference. This could take up to 60 days unless you provide us with paid receipts from utilities. If your residence is left in good condition, notwithstanding normal wear and tear, you will be refunded 100% of your security deposit. Please refer to Section 4 of the Residential Rental Contract under the Tenant Security Deposit section for more information. If you have any questions about our Rental process, please call or email us. We will be more than happy to help.

Guidelines for Return of Security Deposit:

  • Unless other arrangements have been made with the Property Manager, all keys must be received no later than 5:PM on the date the lease ends. The lease requires that holdovers are charged — even one day. If all issued keys are not returned, you will be charged with any associated charges with removing/changing locks.
  • Property must be clean and free of trash and debris. Charges range from $75 tin excess of $250 if not done.
  • If property is determined tbe “excessively dirty” you will be charged an additional “exterminating charge” which can be in excess of $100.
  • Carpets must be cleaned by a R.E.N.T. approved vendor and free of any burn marks/stains (not
    previously identified at move-in). If carpets cannot be cleaned, tenant will be responsible for
  • Empty ice maker in freezer (if applicable) and place arm to “off” position – any damage caused to the appliance or floor from melted ice will be Tenant’s responsibility.
  • Appliances must be clean – inside and out – including knobs, burner pans, et cetera. You will be charged for cleaning the oven, cleaning baseboards, cabinet facings and other appliances, if necessary.
  • Air filters/grates must be clean and a new air filter in place. ($95+ for HVAC service if not completed.)
  • All light bulbs must be operational. ($10 per bulb charged for non-working bulbs.)
  • Walls, trim doors, switch plates, baseboards, must be clean and free of holes, stains, fingerprints, et cetera.
  • Garage, porches, decks, storage areas must be cleaned and swept. Any stains or oil spills must be pressure-washed/removed.
  • Cabinets/Drawers must be cleaned inside and out.
  • Ceiling fans must be clean and free of dust.
  • Fireplaces must be cleaned and, if operational at time of tenancy, cleaned by a professional chimney sweep.
  • Yards must be mowed, leaves raked, beds weeded and bushes trimmed, on last day of lease, regardless of move out date.

Top 10 Things Tenants Forget (and get charged for later)

1. Cleaning: Especially bathtubs, toilets, refrigerator, oven/stove.
2. Cleaning: Especially baseboards, doors, windowsills, switch plates, cabinet fronts.
3. Trash: All trash must be gone by end of lease. Items such as tires and televisions will not be
removed by the trash service and will be billed to tenant with a $100 service charge.
4. Bent/Broken blinds/Torn screens: It’s a lot cheaper for you to replace these than for us to do it
for you.
5. Dirty air filter/Grate: Filter costs about $5. Sending an HVAC tech costs in excess of $95.
6. Missing or non-functioning light bulbs: $1 or so if you do it — $10 per bulb if we do it.
7. Garage door openers, parking passes, pool passes, keys: All must be returned together. Do not
leave them in unit unless you’ve received previous permission to do so.
8. Mow yards weed all beds, fill any holes that your dogs may have dug, remove all branches and
debris, and trim any bushes. Landscapers will charge a lot more and it will be billed to you.
9. Patch/touch up any nail holes, scuff marks on walls, dings from furniture moving, et cetera.
Often matching paint is left in the house/garage. If there is not matching paint, contact
Management Company for information. Wall color can often be matched at stores like Home
Depot, Lowes, Sherwin Williams. Please ensure that match is correct before continuing with
repairs or additional charges could still apply.
10. Prorated rent payments if moving out after lease term. 5% late fee will also apply.

Additional notes:

  • If you choose to use a vendor not approved by R.E.N.T, be sure to provide a copy of your paid
    bill at time of move-out.
  • If there is not a corresponding vendor on the preferred list, please contact your Property Manager for assistance before securing the services.
  • You are encouraged to use an approved contractor, but entitled to use a contractor of your choice for any repairs/cleaning. However, if your non-approved contractor does a poor job or causes any damage to the property, you will be responsible for any charges required to return the property to good condition.